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Stay Active With Your Agent Bio Feed

Configure your feed to automatically display up to date tweets, YouTube uploads, and blog posts.

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What is an Agent Bio Feed?

Your Agent Bio is a great place to share links to amazing content online. If you create blog posts, publish videos on YouTube, or are active on Twitter, then you're going to love this feature. Instead of updating your bio page manually with links to your new posts or videos, you can set up a feed to automatically import them and display them directly on your page.

Here's an example of an Agent Bio feed:

Available Feeds:

Below is a list of the currently supported feed types.

  • Twitter: Add your Twitter handle ie: "nyTimes" to display your 5 most recent Tweets.
  • YouTube: Add your YouTube Channel ID (ie. "UCzQUP1qoWDoEbmsQxvdjxgQ") to display your 5 most recent videos.
  • RSS URL: Add the URL to your blog feed (ie. "") to display your 5 most recent blog posts.
Feed Form Example

To Update Your Feed:

  1. Navigate to the Settings page in your admin area.
  2. Find the "Feed" settings
  3. Add or remove fields as necessary.
  4. Done!


Finding Your YouTube Channel ID.

When adding a YouTube feed, it's important to not confuse your Channel name or User name with your ID.

A valid YouTube Channel ID looks like this: UCzQUP1qoWDoEbmsQxvdjxgQ.

The easiest way to find your ID is to click on one of your videos, then click on the account just under the video title. This will take you to a url that looks like:

You can copy + paste this directly into the YouTube Channel ID field on Agent Bio.

See the article below for the complete guide to finding your YouTube Channel ID.

YouTube Help: Find your YouTube user & channel IDs

Manage my Agent Bio feed